Honestly, couldn't see these spots on the mirror until I saw the pic!!!
This pregnancy seemed like the gestational length of an elephant for a while there. Getting pregnant at the end of the school year left me sick through the hot summer months and not wanting to be in a bathing suit. Then school started and the "what to wear" phase began. Not quite big enough for full blown maternity and not small enough for regular clothes. Then came E's birthday (and cake,) Halloween (and candy,) Thanksgiving (big meals,) and Christmas (enough said.) Surely, I must have gained more than both previous pregnancies combined!
Anyway, going through all these different seasons and holidays sure stretched it out, but now there is finally light at the end of the tunnel. I'm going to enjoy these last few weeks of feeling that baby move and wiggle, the extra attention from hubby, and seeing my body like this for the last time. I'm excited to see him and hold him, but have to admit to a little sadness over thinking about doing this for the last time.