Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Panic Is Setting In

As I opened that first Christmas card today, I felt the panic setting in, knowing that I haven't ordered my Christmas cards, yet. I haven't bought the first Christmas present. I haven't even finished decorating. I feel suddenly compelled to make lists ---it's a coping method that makes me feel a little better. And, with only 2 weeks left before teachers get out for Christmas break, I feel even more overwhelmed thinking of what I have to get done at work! Not to mention the fact that there will be a new baby not long after Christmas that I don't have a nursery finished for! Okay, breathe.......I can do this.....tonight's mission ---order Christmas cards!!!

NOLA -part 2

We decided to take the kids to the Insectarium.  It was both cool & gross!  They had a kitchen area with chefs that cook bugs (specially...