Monday, February 15, 2010

Favorite Pic of the far!

I looooove this pic from our recent snow days! I took the boys out to my mom's house (since our yard is completely flat.) We had so much fun and I loved hearing my mom laugh like that. It's good for the soul :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye......

NEWS ALERT.....This is a MONUMENTAL post.....there will be no more pull-ups at this household....I repeat...No more pullups!!!!
My little man is officially potty trained!! What will I do with the extra cash I save each month? Manicures? Buy myself flowers? Go out to eat? Nah, as most of you parents of boys know, it will probably funnel over into buying Clorox wipes!

NOLA -part 2

We decided to take the kids to the Insectarium.  It was both cool & gross!  They had a kitchen area with chefs that cook bugs (specially...